[Do Ho Suh].

Known for his rumination on the idea of a home and his ethereal life size fabric reproductions of structures and everyday objects, he draws from his experiences of living and traveling throughout the world. Deeply personal, his art is a reflection of his own life experiences after having left South Korea to continue his art education in the United States.

The artist explains “I’ve been interested in so-called transitional space since my arrival to the United States. That includes the staircases, corridors, gates and doorways – the space that doesn’t come across as being its own but exists to connect the more important spaces. But the more important spaces don’t exist without the spaces in between. And as I travel now for my work in airports and bus terminals, those (transitional) spaces have become more important. It’s not just destinations that are important, it’s the spaces that connect my home with the destination. And I realize in some ways life is a journey through a series of spaces. You spend most of your time in this world getting somewhere.”

Photography: Antoine van Kaam